today we're going to talk about how to set up sewing studio in small budget ok let's get casual because you're goingto move around a lot of stuff so just give up t-shirt and company stuff canremember find a place nearby plug so you can set up with the sewing machine in plug. i got two ikea is only 35 dollar per oneswholesale to give us like import posts on machine or circle machine right nextto it second i use the sewing tool box fromwalmart actually about twenty seven dollars so i can put inside loss fabricsthese are all those tiny tiny he will
easy to make a mess right see right nowhave a bunch of most of tracing paper all those kinds of the inside there sokeep it organized and i pull this right next to my sewing machine to try tobring us some color on my work place so give me some have a little bit niceatmosphere while working there you go i actually prefer lavenderflower gosh i can get it so i just get from walmart and mason jar you actuallycan get a half awesome reaching for finding our 699 inside grocery storesdefinitely check it out right now is the file box organized actually get this onefrom ikea also why is only about i think it's 290 network 399 and you can sellfor your pattern sketchbook or some
fabric kind of folder all those countingall the team mega messy can just friends out there to make it look nice andorganized that's my problem paper k and going to show you guys one thingis the iron stand astragalus one for my mother-in-law is free so by you can getsecondhand or in the target or walmart not bad price so go check that out oryou can just ironed on the table use some fabric pull on top of table intosiren fabric on top it's totally work you don't need by any extra stand afterwork that weighs on trying to so it's totally up to you our machine i got fromwalmart to less than a dollar that's the
chip is why i can find oh so that's all all the stolen stuff ihave in my tiny studio my apartment only have seven square feet and that's how icould to ikea table my sewing machine i'm missing one overlock machine butthat's why i got to table for because i have always thought i can put theoverlock machine also kool cigarette machine and probably extra tool for finding buttonspretty much easy step you can start with your son's studio at home probably costyou all the tools nine calling the machine will be around this thenhundred-dollar yes less than hundred
dollars can't believe it because ikea table topin the late is a ball $35 i got 270 this one lesson ten-dollar jar i fully aboutnew fruit flowers 97.1 yeah visit our you can give a coupleactive listen i dollar-for-dollar okay i'll see you guys next time
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