>>>tim cook:good morning! good morning! good morning. thanks for joining us. and welcome to san francisco. welcome to wwdc 2015. although we may nothave any -- thank you -- high-flying trapeze acts, wedo have a lot of great things to talk about this morning.
this developer conferencecontinues to be the epicenter of change for not onlyapple, but the industry. this is our 26th wwdc. we have attendees todayfrom over 70 countries, and 80 percent are herefor the very first time. [applause] this is our mostglobal conference ever. and a special shout-out forour 350 scholarship winners. [cheers and applause]
these guys are unbelievable. i spent some timewith them yesterday. our youngest scholarshipwinner is a 12-year-old girl from new york. she is going to have afantastic future ahead. we've got over a hundredsessions planned for you and over 150 labs so thatyou can get your hands on our latest technologies. and we've got over a thousandapple engineers to answer just
about any questionthat you might have. now, we've got a lot morepeople that would have liked to have been here thismorning, but unfortunately, we just can't fit anymore in, as you can tell. and so for the first time, we're not only livestreaming the keynote, but we are live streaming30 sessions of the conference as well. now, before we get right tothe show, i'd like to bring
up something that i saw onthe news just a few days ago. this is brandon moss ofthe cleveland indians, and he hit his 100th careerhome run last tuesday. obviously, it's a huge milestoneif you are a baseball player. not a lot of people do this. and you can imagine how much that ball would meanto him to have it. it turns out the ball was hitinto the indians' bull pen, and his teammates decided toplay a bit of a prank on him.
they decided to holdit for ransom. and this is the list ofthings they asked for. [laughter] apple watches,ipads, macbook airs, iphones. it's unbelievable. it's a shopping listfor the apple store. now, brandon would havehad to raid an apple store to get that ball back. that didn't seem quite rightto us, and so what we're going to do is we're goingto pay the ransom.
and i have the ball right here. we are giving the ball tobrandon, and we are going to give everything histeammates asked for to them so everybody is happy. so congratulations, brandon,on a hundred home runs, and good luck onthe next hundred. now, we've got ajam-packed morning for you. we are going to getstarted with os x. we are bringing a whole bunch
of new great capabilitiesto the macintosh. and next we've got agreat update for ios, the world's most advancedmobile operating system. and today we're bringingnative apps to the watch with a new version. with a new versionof the watchos, which gives the developerseven more time to create even greaterapps for the watch that will change the world.
now, all three of theseecosystems together provide incredible opportunitiesfor developers and unbelievablepossibilities for users. so we are very excitedabout this. there's a lot here, andso i am going to dispense with my normal updates other than to tell youeverything's going great. [laughter] and i'd like to bringout my friend
and colleague craig federighi totake you through os x and ios. craig. >> craig federighi:good morning! it's fantastic to bewith you here at wwdc. the team has been doingsome amazing work this year, and i am thrilled to be ableto share it with you today. we are going to start with os x. now, our current release,yosemite, is a big, bold, beautiful releasewith a gorgeous new ui
and breakthrough features likecontinuity that let you work across your deviceslike never before. now, the adoption rate foryosemite is just incredible. in fact, over 55 percent of active mac users arerunning our latest update, and this is just unprecedentedin the history of our industry. [laughter] in fact, yosemitehas the fastest adoption rate for any pc operatingsystem ever. so thank you.
so for our next big release ofos x, we knew we wanted to build on those strengths of yosemite with some really greatrefinements and advances. the only real question, ofcourse, was what to call it. so we had to once again turn toour crack apple marketing team. now, in typical californiafashion, they started with a project kickoff meeting. and then headed immediatelyinto a team building off site. now, of course they are in theirtraditional apple marketing
free-bottom fridays attire. they say it's allpart of their process. i am not sure i get it. ultimately, thisdidn't yield any names, so they called in a consultant. he told them the answerwas to be found within. not within themselves,but within yosemite. and so the new name foros x is os x el capitan. for el capitan, we focusedin two major areas --
experience and performance. for experience, we've madespotlight more expressive, more powerful, and moreknowledgeable than ever. we've made big enhancementsto the apps you use most, and we made some real greatadvancements in the area of how you managewindows on the system. but rather than just talk aboutit, i'd like to show it to you, so let's start witha demo right now. now, your first task, ofcourse, in a demonstration
or whenever you wake yourmac, is finding the cursor, and el capitan makesthis easier than ever. i just do that littleshake we all normally do, and there it is. it comes right out to greet you. it's really handy. now, we brought other greatgestures to the system. i am just going togo here in mail. i have a message here from eddy.
looks like -- well, now --[laughter] -- that's a keeper. so i can actually markit unread to keep it just by swiping two fingers acrossthe trackpad just like that. and this one i'd kind of liketo delete, so i am just going to swipe it away just like that. so some real nicelittle gestures. let's move on now to safari. now, in safari, i have somesites that i like to keep around because i refer to themon and off throughout the day,
and now in safari, i can pinthose sites just like this. so there's -- i am going topin my twitter site here. and of course i have beenfollowing the warriors. go warriors, we aregoing to get it done. just like that. now, pinned sites have alot of special properties. for one, if i close thiswindow and reopen it, you see that my pinnedsites are all right there, and they load instantly.
now, pinned sites also behavedifferently when i follow links, so i am just goingto click on one here, and you notice it opens in a newtab, but my pinned site remains. now i am going to openup a couple more links. this one, let's see, this one. i will take a quick look. this one looks like somekind of presentation video. this one is about the giants. have you ever hadthis happen to you?
you are like, where isthis audio coming from? now with just a tap,you can mute it or find out where it came from andshut it down just like that. so i am interested inseeing this giants game, and now spotlight canactually help me out there. so i am just going to do asearch for the sf giants, and we see right now iget current game scores, upcoming games. looks like the game i wantto go to is on friday,
so i can just searchfor weather on friday. see we get the weather. we can even resize the spotlightpanel and move it around. i mean, there's innovation; huh? [laughter] but i can alsoexpress myself in my own words in spotlight searches now, soi can do things like slides from brian, and yousee i find those there. but how about slides frombrian about el capitan? you see, i find exactly what iam looking for in my own words.
now, this works greatin other apps as well. let's try it out in mail. so i've been really busy, ofcourse, the last couple of days, so i have been getting alittle behind on my mail. i want to see the messagesthat i've received from phil but that i haven'tresponded to yet. so i am just going to say"mail i ignored from phil." [laughter] there are a few,but i will be getting back to him right after the show.
[laughter] so next, of course,it's great in the finder as well, so if i wanted to lookat documents that i was working on last year at this time,i might say something like "documents i workedon last june." and i find exactlywhat i am looking for. so this is really agreat way to search. next i want to turn to windowmanagement, so i am just going to run a script here that'sgoing to open up a whole bunch of windows to simulate kindof what my desktop looks
like after a day working on osx because it's a powerful system and we tend to havea lot of things open. os x provides some great waysto navigate your windows, and one of thoseis mission control. in el capitan, we mademission control smoother, simpler, and faster than ever. i am going to take three fingersand swipe up on the trackpad. we get this gorgeousoverview of mission control. i'll just bring forward safari.
let's do that againand bring up mail. works really great. of course, os x providesgreat tools also to organize your windows, andone of those is full screen. i am going to take thiswindow here full screen, and i am going to reply. looks like there's amessage here from eddy. he says sorry about bailingon the team dinner last night. he was apparentlyprepping for the keynote.
so that's understandable. but it looks like, actually,i just got a new mail from jeff here, and now i canjust click away, and it hides, and then -- oh, hold on. busted, eddy. so i think i'll justdrag this, actually, right into my compose window,it hops up automatically, and i can do it just like that. it's really great.
and i can even open uptabs in compose as well. so this is a great way now towork in full screen in mail. thank you. now, we've done somethingtotally new to el capitan, and it's the abilityto work really easily on two windows side by side. so i am just going to click andhold here on the green button. and you see it'sprompting me to pick a side. i will just drop it in.
and you notice i get an exposeof all my other windows. let me pick the new newsapp, just like that. of course, i canresize this window to style it just the way i want. how about that blur? again, innovation. [laughter] so, greatway to work. here i can drag links,for instance, from safari right in here.
you notice in the new notes app,i get a beautiful graphical link that gives me a nice thumbnail that helps me identifywhat i dragged in there. i am going to dragin some yurts. i think yurts, firsttime mentioned on the wwdc keynote stage. there you go. got some yurts here. great way to work split screen.
we've also provided a reallyeasy way to move windows into their own desktops. so let me just take this windowhere, i'm just going to drag it up past the top of the screen,and drop it in just like that. so easy. i can also do thisto take a window full screen. so let's take photos, justdrop it in right here, i took it full screen. check this out. i am going to takemessages, drop it on photos,
and create a splitview just like that. totally awesome. and that is a quick lookat some improvements to the experience in el capitan. so we saw in el capitana powerful form of search in spotlight that letsyou compose your searches in your own words. it knows more than ever, can look up weather,stocks, game scores.
we saw gestures, for instance,just swiping to delete in mail. and, of course, pinsites in safari and the ability toeasily mute tabs. a great new notes app thatsupports text styling, checklists, and graphical links. and better windowmanagement than ever with a beautiful newmission control interface, easy access to yourspaces bar, and of course, the ability to do splitview and adjust it
to see exactly whatyou are looking for, every pixel of your displaydevoted to your content. of course, there's much moreto experience in el capitan, but now i want toturn to performance. so we've optimized performancethroughout the system. in fact, we are seeing abouta 1.4 times acceleration in app launching,a 2x improvement in the snappinessof switching apps. the time to get first mailmessages, twice as fast.
opening a pdf in preview,four times as fast. but we've also made deeparchitectural improvements, and that brings us to metal. last year we introducedmetal at wwdc as a way to accelerate graphics inhigh-performance games. it takes the overheadout of opengl, providing a high-performance api that gives the gamedirect access to the power of the underlyinggraphics hardware.
well, this year we arebringing metal to the mac. and we are doing more than that. because we are taking thegraphic stacks on which apps on os x are built, coreanimation and core graphics, and moving them from opengl torun natively on top of metal, making everything you do faster. we are seeing 50percent improvements in rendering performanceand a 40 percent reduction in the amount of cpunecessary to do graphics.
that means improved performancefor your applications and better battery life. but the benefits ofmetal don't stop there. metal's also great forhigh-performance apps. in fact, metal combinesthe compute power of opencl and the graphics power of opengl in a higher performanceapi that does both. and what we've seen from working with early pro developersis really phenomenal.
adobe came in and,in short order, was able to deliver aneight times improvement in their rendering effectsinside of after effects, and they have been ableto take the drawing engine in illustrator, move it on topof metal, and take kinds of ui that previously wasnoninteractive, like zoom of extremelydetailed drawings, and make it completely flawless and interactive,thanks to metal.
adobe is so pleased with thisthey said they are committed to adopting metalon their os x apps, seeing performanceincreases up to 8x. they are excitedabout what it can do for their creative cloud users. of course, metal isalso fantastic for games with a 10x improvement. that's ten times improvementin drawing performance. so we brought in epic tosee what they could do
in short order, and theresults are really phenomenal. i'd like to welcome tothe stage josh adams and billy bramerfor a quick demo. >> thank you,craig. thank you very much forhaving us here today. so last year metalrevolutionized graphics on ios, and now apple's amazed us againby bringing metal to the mac. of course, this isgreat news for games, but also for the tools thatwe use to make those games.
here you are seeing epic'supcoming multiplayer title fortnite, runningentirely on metal. we are modifying it directlywithin the unreal engine, a development tool that powersmany of today's best games. it's quite a bit goingon in this scene, though, so let's break it down. first, there are64 different layers of rendering effects,and that's a lot. all combining together, though,
to produce what yousee on the scene today. if we go into a simple wireframemode, you can see the thousands of building blocks thatmake up this world. we can start to add in layers,flat shading, detailed lighting, runtime shadows, and finallywe combine them all together to bring fortnite's fun andlighthearted aesthetic to life. the interesting thinghere, though, is that all of the effectsyou are seeing are being done completely in real-time.
notice how the shadows andobjects interact nicely as josh moves the car around. finally, we can change thetime of day on the fly, dramatically altering themood of the entire scene. all of this is thanks tothe efficiency of metal. in fact, we are seeinga 70 percent reduction in cpus compared to opengl,enabling developers like us to create richer 3d worlds. speaking of those worlds, let'shop into the game, fortnite.
now, if you've everbuilt a pillow fort and battled imaginarymonsters with your friends, you already know howto play fortnite. this is the end-of-the-worldscenario you have been training for since you were a kid. it's a beautifullystylized universe. you can destroy anythingyou want. gather resourcesand build a fort. so let's go aheadand wreck this car.
gather its metal. and continue our wantondestruction by chopping down this tree to getsome wood for later. did we mention thereare purple death storms, like this one, for instance? we should go. luckily, while we were outexploring, we found a multitude of weapons, and this broom. if we can just getacross the field,
our friend has been busybuilding a fort across the -- did we mention the stormsare made of monsters? we are going to need somethinga bit better than this broom. nice! there's our friendlaying down some covering fire. >> hey,look out! >> we call that movethe power cord. i've got a bad feelingabout this. you are going toneed a bigger fort. place a trap, head inside.
looks like an enemy hasbroken into our fort. all right. let's use that wood we gatheredearlier to fix this wall, build some stairs, meet upwith our friend topside. >> glad you couldmake it. [monster screaming] >> whether you are agamer or a game developer, metal opens new possibilitiesfor rich and engaging worlds. you can download the unrealengine for mac right now,
and the fortnite betafor mac starts this fall. thank you very much. >> craig federighi:thank you, guys. that was great. we have been totally impressedwith what epic has been able to accomplish insuch a short time. and this is in part because thework they did to adopt metal in their rendering engines forios immediately pays dividends on os x, and we are seeingthis with many other developers
as well who are bringing theirgaming engines immediately to the mac. and pro app makers are seeingthe benefits of metal as well, people like the foundryand autodesk. i think we are going tosee pro users, gamers, and all of us benefiting from the performanceadvantages of metal. so that is el capitan,improvements to experience and performance.
now, el capitan is availableto all of you developers today. we will be doing a publicbeta once again in july, and we will be rollingout to everyone with a free upgrade this fall. and that's our update on os x. next -- you guessed it -- ios. now, our current bigrelease of ios is ios 8, and ios 8 was a huge releasewith tons of new features for users and a phenomenalset of technologies
that you developershave been able to use to deliver all-newexperiences to the platform. the upgrade rate forios has been fantastic. we have 83 percent of activeiphone users currently running the latest os. and this is really important because it means not only arethey getting the most recent features, but they're also up todate on all the security fixes, and you're able toknow as a developer
that you can targetall the users with the latest andgreatest apis. and this is a benefit that actually remainsreally unique to ios. so we are now looking forwardto ios 9, and as we conceived of what we wanted toaccomplish, first and foremost, we wanted to elevate thefoundations of the platform, things like extendingyour battery life, improving performance,and enhancing security
to protect customer data. but there was morewe wanted to do. adding intelligence throughoutthe user experience in a way that enhances howyou use your device but without compromisingyour privacy. things like improving theapps that you use most and taking the experience ofthe ipad to the next level. i want to start today withintelligence and siri. now, siri has quietlybecome incredibly popular.
it serves over a billionrequests per week. and this is in part becausesiri has gotten so great at understandingwhat we are saying. in just the last year, we'veseen a 40 percent reduction in word error rate,down to 5 percent. that's an industryleading number. and siri is 40 percentfaster than ever at responding to what we say. now, for ios 9, siri has abeautiful new ui and is capable
of doing so much more. things like "show me photos from utah last august" caninstantly show you the right photos from your photo library. and siri's really greatat taking reminders. now you can ask sirithings like "remind me to grab my coffee off theroof of my car when i get in." because siri knows now whenyou've gotten in the car. and of course, we often wantto take reminders about things
that we are looking at on ourdevice, some content inside of our app, maybe a safari. now you can say thingslike "remind me about this when i get home," and thatreminder refers right back with a link to specificallywhat you were looking at when you took that reminder. so siri is a great assistant. but the best assistantsare proactive. and so on ios 9, we arebringing proactivity throughout
the system. so say you like to run inthe morning, and when you do, you like to listen to music. well, now your phone canlearn that about you, and when you plugin your headphones, can offer up now playingautomatically right on the lock screen. and this is allcontext-sensitive to the time, the place, and even thedevices you are connected to,
so you do the same thing in thecar later on, and it might offer up the audio book that youhave been listening to. now, as a great assistant, your iphone can now takeinvitations you receive in your email and without youeven touching them automatically put them on your calendarand even give you a time to leave reminder, taking into account current trafficconditions, and of course, with just a swipe, give youaccess to driving directions.
now, have you ever had thishappen to you, you get a call, the number lookskind of familiar, but you are reallynot sure who it is? as a great assistant, yourphone can now look in your email and find out who that personmight be and suggest it to you right on theincoming call screen. it's super handy. now, this kind ofproactivity is also great when it comes to search.
so now when you swipe to theleft of the home screen to get to search, you see that sirioffers great suggestions, things like the people that youmight want to contact now based on your upcoming meetings andyour communication patterns, the apps that you might wantto launch based, for instance, on what you just downloadedfrom the app store and haven't yet tried out, or apps youtend to use this time of day, and also easy one-taplinks to locations that are relevant nearby,and even breaking news.
when it comes to search, wealso know more than ever before. so for instance, you cansearch for sports scores. and we now support videosearch, of popular video sites like vivi, vimeo, youtube,and the itunes store. and we have thesegreat descriptive cards with a play button soyou can play directly from your search result. most importantly, we nowhave an api for search. so now when a userperforms a search,
we can find content behindthe apps they have installed on the device and pull those upin results, and when they tap, they are deep-linkeddirectly into the application. you see for instancehere airbnb. they can get their result. of course, we even providea convenient backlink so they can get right backto their search results. so we think these kinds of intelligence featuresreally make a huge difference
in your experience in ios. and to show you how, i would like to give youa quick demo now. so i want to take you througha day in the life with ios 9, and we are going to start witha typical day for me today. we are going to startin my bedroom when i woke up in the morning. you will notice because my phoneknows that in the morning i like to meditate that it'soffered me a meditation app
right here in the bottomleft of the screen. so i can just swipe upfrom the bottom left, and i am taken rightin to meditate. ah, this is so serene. well, it looks like i gota message here from phil. so phil says that he isputting together the invite for tonight's big karaokepotluck, and can i still pick up this super awesomekaraoke machine? well, you know, siri actually,when i take reminders,
is able to link me right backto what i am looking for, so if i want to remember to pickthis up, i can just say this to siri: "remind meabout this later today." and so siri will puttogether a reminder, and you see the link rightback to what i am looking for. well, i think after all,meditation isn't probably for me, so maybe i'llmove on to exercise. so i head into the home gymhere, and because my phone knows that when i am in the home gymand i hook up headphones and i
like to listen to music,watch what happens when i plug in the cord of my headphones. jumps right in and offersme some energetic music. so let's all bust a move. i don't know what kind of exercise we are alldoing here, but pretty good. looks like actuallyi've got that invitation that phil was going to send me. now, normally i would haveto actually go into mail,
look at the time, put thison my calendar, but in fact, my phone has automaticallydone that for me. let me just swipe down hereinto notifications center, and we will look at mycalendar for the day. you notice it automatically hasalready been added right there. now, if we look atthe rest of my day, ahead i have my vocal warm-ups for the karaoke performance,then wwdc. it looks like i havea little bit of time
to prepare my dishfor the big potluck. so i am going to headinto the kitchen now, and let's just swipe in. when i am looking forrecipes, for instance, i like to go into search. let's just swipeover into search. we see siri has actually already-- before i typed a character -- made suggestions for mefor people i could contact, for instance, like trentreznor, my vocal coach.
[laughter] so i can just tap. here i can call trent up,and he can help me tap into my inner pain andrage that allows me to fuel my vocal performances. i actually haven't beenable to find the pain and rage, truth be told. also, we have all thesegreat apps i can run and locations nearby -- forinstance, because it's morning, you see coffee and tea andbreakfast places are suggested.
as well as news. but in this case, iactually want to do a search. so i have some potatoesi think i could make use of in this recipe. so let's just search for potato. here you notice i amgetting search results right from yummly. let me tap into yummly, and yousee i am deep-linked directly in, so i get the great viewprovided by that application.
now, potato chips aren'texactly what i am looking for, so i am going to hitthe back link here, and i can browse directly in to another result,canadian poutine. that looks exactly likewhat the doctor ordered. yes. let's look atthe ingredients. looks like 6 tablespoonsof unsalted butter. i am down with that. i am going to make atleast a double batch.
so i can just use search to doa conversion of tablespoons, figure out how much that is. so that actuallyis 3/4 of a cup. i am going to roundup to an even quart and make myself somefine poutine. [laughter] so searchis really handy, but siri is alsogreat at search. so i want to jumpforward to later today. when i think i will bereminiscing about wwdc's past.
i can ask siri tohelp me with that. show my photos from lastjune in san francisco. oh, yeah, this is great,all these photos from wwdc. you notice now photos in ios9 has this great scrubber bar at the bottom, soi can easily slide through photos superquickly, just like this. oh, boy, now we areinto the karaoke night. this is some fine stuff. phil really does anawesome viking crooner.
this is good stuff. but of course, theking of karaoke -- [laughter] -- eddy cue. in fact, when i want to getreally pumped up and inspired for karaoke night,i like to turn to my eddy karaoke album,so let's do that now. show my karaoke photos of eddy. oh, that is the master at work. hitting -- i love this hat.
[laughter] this is totally dope. great stuff. well, i could really lookat these just all day, but you know, actually, my assistant has givenme a reminder based on traffic conditions that it'stime to leave, so i am going to wrap up this demo ofintelligence on ios 9. so you've seen howwe've been able to bring intelligence throughoutthe experience in ios 9,
but we do it in a way that doesnot compromise your privacy. we don't mine your email,your photos, or your contacts in the cloud to learnthings about you. we honestly justdon't want to know. all of this is done ondevice, and it stays on device, under your control. and if we do have to performa lookup on your behalf, for example, for current trafficconditions, it's anonymous, it's not associated with yourapple id, it's not linked
with other apple services, and it's not sharedwith third parties. why would do you that? it is in your control. that is intelligence in ios 9. next, let's turn to apple pay. and to take you throughit, i'd like to bring to the stage our vice president of our apple paybusiness, jennifer bailey.
jennifer. >> jennifer bailey:thanks, craig. it's great to be here. we have been hard at work on ourgoal of replacing the wallet, and we've got some excitingupdates for you today. i hope you've all tried applepay with our super easy, secure, and private way to pay. last year we started with creditand debit cards, and we now have over 2,500 bankssupporting apple pay.
and this fall, discover willbring apple pay to the more than 50 million card members. popular merchants are alsoexpanding their acceptance for apple pay, includinggreat retailers who will be supportingapple pay this year, including trader joe's,baskin-robbins, and jcpenny. these incredible brands joina great list of the biggest and best merchantssupporting apple pay since our launch in october.
and for you are basketballfans, if you are lucky enough to have finals tickets,you will be able to pay for all your team logo wear atboth arenas using apple pay. small businesses arealso important for us, so we are working withinnovative companies like square to enable millions of smallbusinesses to accept apple pay. this fall, square willlaunch a gorgeous new reader. preorders are startingtoday on square.com, and these will be available
in our apple retailstores starting this fall. with fantastic support ofmerchants, both large and small, we will surpass 1 millionlocations accepting apple pay next month. and thanks to ouramazing developers, we have great momentumwithin apps as well. apple pay is so easyto use in-app, our developers are tellingus they are seeing more than two times increasein checkout rates.
and we are adding newapps with apple pay to the app store every day. here are some of the latest,representing a great range of categories, fromdelta in travel to etsy, the leading crafts marketplace. these apps join an incrediblegroup that are redefining new and simpler ways to pay. we're also excited to beworking with pinterest. later this month, pinterestwill launch buyable pins,
where you will be able to buyitems from thousands of stores, including neimanmarcus and macy's, right from within thepinterest app using apple pay, and only on ios. with the great momentumof apple pay in the u.s., we are now excited to announce that we are bringingapple pay to the uk. and it's coming next month! we will launch with eightof the most popular banks,
with more coming this fall. with this great lineup ofbanks, we will support more than 70 percent of the creditand debit cards in the uk. great merchants are alsolining up to support apple pay, like boots, costa coffee,and iconic british brands, like marks and spencerand waitrose. we will have over 250,000locations supporting apple pay in the uk. that's more than westarted with in the u.s.
at our initial launch. we are also thrilled thatour customers will be able to commute and payfor their fares on the london transportationsystem with apple pay. so that's apple paycoming to the uk. now let's talk aboutsome of the new features that we are adding in ios 9. first, you will beable to add your store, credit, and debit cards.
store cards offer uniquemembership benefits, and leading retailerslike kohl's, jcpenney, and bjs will be the first tooffer their cards on apple pay. we will also add loyaltyand rewards cards, also with a greatlineup of merchants. kohl's will bringyes2you programs, walgreens their balance rewardscard, and for your coffee and doughnut lovers, dunkin'donuts will bring apple pay to their ddperksbeginning this fall.
and apple pay automaticallypresents the right card, so you will never miss a reward. with the expansion of applepay and the new types of cards, we decided it's time torename passbook to wallet. one place for all your creditand debit cards, loyalty cards, boarding passes, and more. we told you last yearthat our ultimate goal was to replace the wallet,and we are well on the way to doing just that.
we couldn't be happier withthe progress towards our vision and with the momentumof apple pay. >> craig federighi:so that's apple pay. let's turn now toour enhancements to the apps you use most, and weare going to start with notes. notes is used regularly by abouthalf of our users on iphone, and for ios 9, we have somereally great enhancements. it starts with how youwork with simple text. so now notes providesa really handy toolbar
with formatting options,so it's easy, for instance, to create titles, headingstyles, numbered lists. but of course, we all like tocreate checklists in our notes, and so notes makesthat really easy. and of course, you canjust check off your items with just a tap. now, because a picture isworth a thousand words, we make it easy to get at yourcamera and your camera roll and put photos directlyin your notes.
we are also providing a greatnew way to capture your ideas by just drawing withyour finger. we provide some greatdrawing tools. you can make sketcheswith these tools and drop them rightinside your note. now, i don't knowif you are like me, but a lot of times thethings i want to put on my notes are things iam looking at that i find in other apps -- forinstance, a web page in safari.
so now from the sharesheet, you can just with a tap add a linkright back into your notes. and we make it reallyeasy to find your notes. so we organize themby time, of course, and now we have thesegreat thumbnails to let you see yourembedded images at a glance, but we also provide thiscool new attachments view that shows you all of yourphotos, your maps links, your website links, and whenyou tap, you can get right back
to the note wherethey came from. now, notes is greaton iphone, on ipad, and of course, onthe mac as well. and all of your content iskept up to date across all of your devices via icloud. that's a quick update to notes. next, let's turn to maps. we've continued toinvest heavily in maps, and the improvementsare really awesome.
we are seeing five billionuser requests per week. usage on ios is 3.5 times higher than for the nextleading mapping app. now, maps, of course, historically have beenfocused on drivers. they emphasize thingslike freeways and roads. but we know for a lot of our iosusers, they are mostly focused on public transit, and so nowwe've created a great map just for them.
[applause] yes, it's transit. with transit, we providea map that emphasizes all of the different transitlines, buses, and trains, subway stations and so forth,and when you tap on a station, you can see all thelines that run through it with their departure times. and we do multimodal routing,whether you are taking a train, a subway, a bus, or a ferry. and we provide step-by-stepdirections, including time
for walking directions. but we've taken special careto get the details right, the ones that matter,with transit. for instance, if you take asubway station like this one in columbus circle in new york,it's not just a point on a map. if you look closer, it's actually an enormousunderground structure spanning many city blocks, and sowe carefully surveyed all of the entrances and exits
so that we could give youwalking directions based on the time to travel fromwhere you actually are. now, this not only savesyou a ton of walking, but it also probablyis the difference between catching your trainon time and being stuck. [applause] it's really great. we've taught siri all abouttransit, so it's effortless to ask siri for directions. and we are going to berolling maps out, transit,
starting with these citiesacross the world, and -- [applause] -- with theseand 300 more in china. now, when it comesto searching in maps, we are now lettingyou find locations by type nearby with just a tap. and when you find thelocation you are interested in, the card will tell youright away right there in the bottom whetherthey support apple pay. support those applepay merchants.
maps is great oniphone and ipad, and of course, the mac as well. and that is maps. the apps that we've chosento build in to ios are there because they representfundamental experiences to living on a mobile device. and there's been one that we'vebeen wanting to do for years, something that so many ofus find ourselves wanting to do every day on our device,and so today i'm pleased
to announce that we areintroducing a new application, and it's called news. news is beautiful content from the world's greatestsources personalized for you. now, here's an article in news. it's absolutely stunning. now, publishers can easilycreate beautiful content using gorgeous imagery, customlayout, and rich typography. but news is also interactive,and so to give you a look
at news in action,i'd like to invite to the stage our vicepresident of application, product management,susan prescott. susan. >> susan prescott:thanks, craig. i am really excitedto be the first person to show you our new news app. it's right here onthe home screen. the first thing news wants to dois get a sense of what i like,
so it's going togive me a short list of really great choicesto choose from. and you'll see as i tap,additional recommendations come in on the bottom to giveyou even more choices. so i read atlantic, wired,new york times, and espn. i am still with you, warriors! and daring fireball. topics, too, like science,baking, and travel. i could keep going, but ithink that's a great start,
so i will tap done. news creates a personalizedfeed called for you. it's based on thechoices i just made, and it's all my newsin one place. you can see it looks great. it's easy to scan, and itupdates every time i check news. the articles cancome from anywhere, but the best ones are builtin our new apple news format, like this wired articlefeaturing rashida jones,
awesome in parks &rec and the office. look at the richtypography, beautiful images, and my favorite part arethe really fun animations. it's fast and fluid. we think this offers the bestmobile reading experience ever. to get to the nextarticle, i just swipe. it's not just greatfor magazines; it's great for newspapers too. this is a new york timesarticle, and it looks
like a new york times article. swipe down, there's a photogallery right in line, fast, fluid to swipe through. go to the next article,this one's from quartz, but i am seeing it because isaid i am interested in science. it's a pretty coolarticle about a font based on albert einstein'shandwriting. the animation makes itcome to life, and frankly, who knew he had suchneat handwriting?
it's kind of interesting. swipe again, and i get anarticle from bon appetit. great summer recipes, and a crazy little jigglything, which is kind of fun. [laughter] so i am a littlebusy right now, so i am going to go ahead and bookmarkthis to read later. now, espn, i love you, steph. now, i read espnfor the articles, but there's alsosome beautiful --
[laughter] -- photos and videos. some photos and videos built in. not so much last night. let's see if stephcan make this one. swish. all right. he is going to bethere for us next game. in addition, data and stats arepart of what's fun about sports, so of course, rich infographics can be part of it. i am going to swipeback to for you.
now, news is smart, so themore i read, the better it gets at showing me storiesi am interested in. but what if i want todiscover something new? i can tap here in the bottomon explore, and explore, based on what i've read, will show me new publisherchannels i might be interested in and suggested topics. well, i love technology. i am going to goahead and follow that.
but news keeps track ofmore than a million topics. so i can be much morespecific about my interests. to do that, i can tapon search and type. i am going to type swift. and i get a number of hits,everything from taylor swift, to what i was looking for, apple's new programminglanguage. so it's a beautiful feed,and what's really cool about this is there are powerfulmachine learning algorithms
that analyze the contentsof the articles to figure out which storiesbelong in which article. this looks like justwhat i was hoping for. i am going to go ahead andadd swift to my favorites. so let's take a lookat favorites. i will tap down here. favorites is where i can seeeverything i am following, including swift,which i just added. it's a great place togo if i want to dig
into a particulartopic or if i want to read a newspaperor a magazine. let's say today iwant to read wired. you can tell i am inthe wired channel. you see the wiredlogo at the top and the wired channelstarting with top stories. i can swipe through and see acollection of the all the print and web stories builtin apple news format, and it looks terrific.
i am going to lookat one more story. this is about the firstcivilian artist in space. cool concept and really cool. i want to show you this. we've taken photogalleries to the next level with something wecall photo mosaics. look how beautifulit looks on the page. stunning. and, as you'd expect, i just tap to zoomin on the photos.
it looks great. we think there's never been amore beautiful magazine reading experience, a mobile readingexperience in general, and this is justone of many channels with beautiful storiesbuilt in apple news format. that is a reallyquick look at news. we can't wait to getit in your hands. >> craig federighi:so that's news. stunning content.
personalized for you. fantastic on ipad andon iphone as well. and of course, unlike just about any other newsaggregation service we are aware of on the planet, news isdesigned from the ground up with your privacy in mind. we worked with leadingpublishers, like the new york times, who will be delivering 33articles daily to news users,
and espn, who will bebringing the depth and range of their phenomenalsports reporting. and conde nast, who arebringing content from 17 of their magazines, likevanity fair, vogue, gq, wired, and bon appetite. and they will be joinedby many, many others read by millions of users daily. news isn't just forthe media titans. great content comes fromall kinds of sources,
and we want them all in news, sowhether it's a local newspaper, a blog, or a special-interestpublication, they will all be here. we will be rolling out newsstarting in the united states, the uk, and australia. we think you arereally going to like it. next, let's turn to ipad. now, ipad is a transformationaldevice. for our users in education,business, and at home,
for many of them, their ipadis their primary computer. and ipads are just tremendouslypowerful, so in ios 9, we are elevating the ipadexperience to a whole new level. now, it starts withsomething really simple, which is how you work with text. that brings us to thequicktype keyboard. now, in ios 8, weintroduced the suggestion bar that makes it quickerthan ever to type and enter what youare trying to get in.
but now, in ios 9, we'veadded shortcuts to that bar, so with just a tap, you can cut,copy, paste, format your text, access your attachments. but you know, what makesa multi-touch keyboard so special is that itcan be anything you want. it can transform. so now when you want to movethe cursor or make a selection, you can now just put twofingers down on the keyboard, and it becomes atrackpad instantly.
you can move the cursor,you can make selections. of course, you can usethe shortcut bar to cut, drag to a new place, andpaste, editing more quickly than ever before and withoutyour fingers ever leaving the home row. and if you do occasionally wantto hook a physical keyboard to your ipad as well, wemade that better than ever. we provide a way todiscover all of the shortcuts that can accelerateyour operations
in the applicationsusing the keyboard, and we've providedshortcuts for app switching. this might look familiarto some of you. as well as to searchingin spotlight. so that's quicktype, but nowi want to turn to the big one, and that's multitasking. so ipad has always supportedforms of multitasking, like this great graphicaltask switcher, and these nice four-fingergestures
that let you movebetween applications. but for ios 9, we are takingit to a whole new place, and i'd like to showthat to you now. so let's start here on my ipad. and what i am going todo first is double-tap on the home button, and youwill see our new task switcher. it's really gorgeous. big, full-screenpreviews of all the apps. just move right intosafari like this.
but of course, often wheni am in an app like safari, i then just want toquickly check my messages. so now with just a singlefinger swipe from the side, i can slide it right in withwhat we call slide over. of course, it's fullyinteractive. i can take a quick look,maybe type a response, put it right back,i am back in safari. do that again. from the top, i can pull downand bring in other applications.
so let's bring in calendar. of course, fully interactiveso i can tap into another day. let's bring in another app. i am going to bringin the new notes app. now, sometimes, of course, iwant to stay working in notes and safari both at the sametime, so i can just tap here on the divider, andnow i am in split view. they are both completely active. in fact, for the first timeever, multiapp, multi-touch,
i can move them bothat the same time. now, notes is actuallypinned to the side now, so i want to show you whathappens when i switch apps. i am just going to moveover here to photos. you notice now i have photoswith notes on the side. this is really great if i amtaking notes while working across a bunch of experiences. and of course those four-fingergestures continue to work great, so i can swipe my wayright back into safari.
i can follow links, ofcourse, from my notes. let me tap on this link, and yousee safari loads it right here on the side. i can adjust the split. let me move that overto a nice 50/50 view with notes and safari. i can tap on linksto other apps, so let's follow alink into maps. maps -- i really wantlocation accuracy.
thank you, very helpful. slides right in andshows me the location. i can follow anotherlink, maps adjusts, i am able to stayfocused right here in these two apps side by side. let's say i now want towork notes full screen. i can pull rightacross like that and i am in full-screen notes. this gives me a greatopportunity
to show you what's new withthe quicktype keyboard. i have a to-do listi am building here. i am going to add an itemhere to buy a new ice chest. there we go. on second thought, ishould probably borrow one. i am going to take two fingers down on the keyboard,swipe over here. i can reposition thecursor like this. tap and make a selection.
extend the selection. and type "borrow." it's really easy. i can make bigger moves too. i can go to the top here, maybeselect the whole sentence, drag down, maybe do a checklistlike this, and check them off. super cool. next i want to show youmultitasking in the context of something i think we alldo quite a bit on our ipads,
which is not that --which is watching espn. so let's bring up a video. i am going to play right here. now, often when i am watchinga video, i may decide i want to look something upor check something or maybe even get anotification, and i want you to watch what happenswhen i tap. watch the video. now i have picture in picture.
so i can still listen, ican watch my video, i can, of course, resize thepip if i want, like this. i can move it around thescreen so it's out of the way of what i am working on. i can even move it off the side. sometimes i just want to listenfor a while while i work. of course, it stayswith me wherever i go. i can pull it back,and when i am done, just tap to put it away.
and that is multitaskingin ios 9. so ios 9 delivers this greatapp switcher, and of course, that's availableon iphone as well. on ipad, we have slideover so you can bring apps in from the side. you can tap and enter split view for simultaneouslive two apps up. and of course, picturein picture. now, we provide developer apisto let your apps work this way,
and the good news is that you'vealready done most of that work because if you've adoptedauto layout and size classes to work great on the iphone 6and 6 plus, well, that carries over just like this onto ipad. twitter came in and was ableto do it just in minutes. it was really incredible. now, slide over is availablefor the ipad air, air 2, mini 2, and mini 3, as ispicture in picture, and our most powerfulsplit view is available
on our most powerfulipad, the ipad air 2. that's multitasking. so we've seen somegreat end-user features, but of course, we've alsofocused on the foundations. in performance, as you sawearlier in el capitan with os x, we've taken the core frameworksthat we use for drawing on the system, coreanimation and core graphics, and we put them on top of metal. we are seeing greatacceleration,
1.6 times improvements inanimations and scrolling, and a 50 percent reductionin cpu usage for drawing. with battery life, we focused on real-world use casesand optimized them. and we are seeing an additionof one hour of typical use on a full charge on iphone. now, we know that for a lotof you if you are running low on power, you start searchingall over for switches and turning off featuresin the hope
of extending your batterylife a little bit further. well, now in ios 9, wegive you a single switch to enter what we call lowpower mode, and it pulls levers that you didn't evenknow existed and is able to extend battery life foran additional three hours of typical use on topof that additional hour. now, with security, we wantto protect our users' data on device and in the cloud, and so we are bringingtwo-factor authentication
and making it easy for everyoneto protect their data in icloud. and with software update, wewant everyone to get to ios 9, and so we've done majorenhancements to the architecture for our over-the-airupdates, and we have been able to reduce the amount of freespace you need to get to ios 9 from the 4.6 gigs thatit took to get to ios 8 down to just 1.3, so wethink everybody is going to be getting to ios 9. so ios 9, intelligencethroughout the system,
apple pay, enhancements toreally popular apps like notes and maps, an all-new news app,and incredible features now for ipad with multitaskingand quicktype, and of course, enhancements to the foundations. now, ios 9 is a great releasefor our users, but once again, it's a fantastic releasefor all of you developers, bringing a ton of new features. you saw search extensibility. we are adding uitesting to xcode.
[cheers and applause] yes! we have a new technologycalled app thinning, which optimizes yourdownloads to exactly the subset of resources needed for thatuser's device, so you are able to get -- take lessspace on device. now, when it comes to gaming,we've enhanced spritekit, scenekit, and metal andintroduced three new frameworks, gameplaykit to bringartificial intelligence with path avoid obstacleavoidance and path finding;
model i/o to providebeautiful lighting on your 3d models;and replaykit. it lets you enhanceyour applications to let users record their gameplay as video and share it. now, healthkit has been onfire, so we've continued -- well, we added water,actually, to healthkit. we are not tryingto put out the fire. we are adding lots of additionalhealth metrics to be tracked, for instance, hydration,uv exposure,
and reproductive health. now, homekit has been taking off with manufacturersintroducing homekit peripherals to the market now in areas likethermometers, locks, and lights. and now in ios 9, weare adding support for window shades,sensors of all kinds. for instance, carbon monoxidesensors, motion sensors. and we're adding support forsecurity systems as well. perhaps most importantly,we are allowing you
to access your home remotelyand securely via icloud. so no matter where youare, you can control all of your homekit devices. next, carplay. so carplay supports audioapps and now, in ios 9, it also supports apps by theautomaker to control things in your own car withoutleaving the carplay experience. and carplay is supportingmore kinds of screens, wider aspect ratios, high dpi.
but most significantlywith carplay, we are pulling the cord. in future cars, you willbe able to get in your car without taking your phone out ofyour bag or out of your pocket and start experiencingcarplay effortlessly. it's going to be really great. finally, let's talk about swift. you all know that the growth that swift has been experiencingis just unprecedented,
and we've all seenit with the flood of applications comingin to the app store. well, now we are stepping onthe gas this year with swift 2. now, swift was designed fromthe beginning to be fast, and we've continued to roll out targeted optimizations allyear long, and now with swift 2, we have an all-new optimizationtechnology that's especially great for complex applicationsand object-oriented programming that we call wholemodule optimization,
and the results arereally fantastic. in addition, we are bringingthe language features that you've asked for most, an elegant new errorhandling model, the ability to seeyour interfaces as synthesized headersin xcode, and the feature that tim has been begging forall year, protocol extensions. you are all going to love it. now, we think swift is thenext big programming language,
the one that we willall be doing application and systems programmingon for 20 years to come. and we think swift should beeverywhere and used by everyone, and so we're going to bedoing something really big. today we are announcing thatswift will be open source. we will be rollingout the compiler and the standard librariesfor ios, os x, and linux. and it will all be out thereby the end of the year. so that's swift,and that is ios 9.
we are doing a developerbeta -- you guessed it -- today, and for the firsttime for a major ios release, a public beta, so signup now at beta.apple.com, and you can get the betawhen it comes out in july. and of course, wewill be rolling it out as a free upgradein the fall. and ios 9 will supportall of the devices that were supported by ios 8. we are not droppingany this year
because we want everyoneto get ios 9. that's ios 9. i really appreciate your time. have a fantastic conference. >> tim cook: thanks,craig. ios just keeps getting betterand better for our many hundreds of millions of users,and ios 9 takes it to an even greater levelwith incredible new apps and intelligencebuilt right into ios.
and as an avid ipad user, iam also incredibly excited about how far it extends theipad experience as we continue to lead in the post-pc era. with el capitan, we'vecreated a new version of os x that dramaticallyimproves the experience and the user experience and theperformance of the macintosh. and of course, swift. you've just heard swift providesa single language for you to create apps forboth os x and ios.
there's really so manypossibilities for you to use these platformsand these tools to create unbelievable appsthat will impact business and healthcare and education andreally everything in our lives. there's seemingly nolimit to what you can do. and of course, underpinningthis, the app store is very key. it's hard to believe that theapp store was launched only seven years ago. it's hard to remembera day without it.
now, i'm happy to announce that the app store recentlypassed a major milestone. the app store has passed100 billion apps downloads. the rate of growthand the momentum is absolutely staggering. the industry has never seenanything like this before. the app store hasforever changed software and software distribution. and it's also beenan economic boon.
we've now paid over $30billion to developers. the app store continues to be the most profitable appmarketplace on the planet. now, we could not be more proudof the work that you are doing. more and more, developersare transforming, empowering, and reimagining thevery important things that we do in our daily lives. we've made a video aboutyour incredible impact and just how far you've comein such a short period of time,
and i'd love to runit for you now. >> eight years ago, whenthe iphone was launched, it didn't have an app store. and there was tremendous desireon the part of developers and customers for apple to let third-partyapplications be created. we all had this dreamthat apps were going to become really important,but it took some time to realize how they would affecteverything that we care about,
and as that cumulative effectappeared, then we all start to realize, oh, mygoodness, this is bigger than any of us imagined. >> apps plus handhelddevices, i think that's a watershedmoment in civilization. i put it up therewith the invention of the microscopeand the telescope. we live in a time where the mostpowerful tools ever imagined to investigate and probeour world are in the hand
of essentially everyone. >> if you think the industrialrevolution was transformational, the app store is way bigger. i don't think we've seenanything reach a mass adoption at anything close to this pace. it took, for example,electricity over a hundred years to get to its first50 million users. it took television 13years, and the app store got to 50 million usersin only 17 months.
>> the thing the appstore did was give each and every developer a voice. it's a testament that twoguys in a room working on an idea can launch an appand instantly have hundreds of millions of peoplevery quickly. the iphone made photographyuniversally accessible. >> i cannot thinkof a single industry that doesn't need an app. people want data attheir fingertips.
they want personalizedexperiences. they want power overtheir money. and it's not just for banking;it's for every industry. the app store has fundamentallyshifted how we all need to deliver. it's leveling the playing field. >> we don't have to ownthings. we don't have toown our own cars. we don't have toown our own music.
we can call it upwhen we need it. that's a big change, allflowing from the idea of not just conveniencebut people building up an infrastructurearound that. we are now talkingnot about hundreds of people getting the benefitsof an idea, but millions. >> if you had told me when iwas a kid that you would be able to write an idea and then filmthat idea and then distribute it to the world on a devicethat you could also put
in your pocket, i wouldnever have stopped laughing, and i would havethought you were insane. the app store giveseveryone access to incredibly powerful tools, and there's an incrediblegeneration of filmmakers and storytellers to come. >> kids love technology,and they love interacting with the ipad and with apps. that wonder and awe that getsignited is actually being
utilized to helpthat person learn. certainly in educationthere's so much potential to take the classroomwith you anywhere. >> we all know we arein this magic moment. there are so many incredibleapps, and they do things for people that changetheir lives. >> music for me,it's like everything. it's really special. this amazing feeling thatmusic gives me, i want everyone
to have that, even ifthe person cannot hear. so the idea of the app is tointroduce music for deaf people. i am going to put these onyour wrist, so if you play, you can feel the vibrations. >> i canfeel it. >> did you feelthat, rob? my dream is to bringmusic to everyone. >> it is an amazingtime to be a developer. we are still just at thebeginning of all this,
this moment where the technologyof an iphone and an ipad and the watch enable somany incredible things. there's so much that canstill change and evolve due to the power of applications. [music] >> tim cook: on behalfof everyone at apple, we want to thank thedeveloper community for everything that you've done. you have changed so manyparts of all of our lives
and transformed theworld in the process. now, we want to talk aboutnow the next opportunity to transform the world. and that's the opportunity tobring native apps to the watch with a new version of watchos. for us, this is a giant moment. this is how we felt whenwe launched the app store. opening a new platformto developers to create new applications
that can really changepeople's lives. we really believedeeply in this space. we believe in technologydesigned for the wrist. and we believe byopening up the platform that you will createnew and powerful uses that today we canonly begin to imagine. we began making the apple watchavailable just six weeks ago, and it's pretty amazing thattoday we're already talking about the next versionof the watchos.
this new version will havegreat new capabilities, and it will bring nativeapps right to your wrist. to tell you all about it, i'dlike to invite up my friend and colleague kevin lynch. kevin. >> kevinlynch: hi. so we're moving really fast onwatchos, and i am super excited to talk with you about theenhancements that are coming in watchos, as well
as the powerful newabilities for app development. let's start withthe enhancements. the enhancements includegreat new timepiece functions, improvements in communicationas well as in health & fitness, and support for thenew capabilities in apple pay, maps, and siri. let's start with timepiece. now, already, apple watchis a really great timepiece, the most customizable one in theworld, and a lot of that is due
to the watch faces andhow you can change them. we are adding some newwatch faces in watchos 2. that includes a beautifulnew photos face to be able to select any photo you have andcreate a watch face out of it. you can create more than one andswitch between them as you like. or you can select a photo album, and every time youraise your wrist, you will see a differentphoto from your album show up. it's a great way of seeingyour photos throughout the day.
we went a littlefurther with this, and we shot somephotos ourselves. we did some time-lapsephotography in some beautifullocations around the world. the way this works iswhen you raise your wrist, you will see this24-hour shoot we have done in different locations, and itwill be the current time there. if it's in noon, youwill see noon in london. if it's night, you'llsee big ben all lit up.
we've done this notonly for london, but some other locations too. you can choose fromhong kong, mack lake -- which a beautifulplace in the sierras -- as well as new york,shanghai, and london. it's a great way to see reallybeautiful imagery, both your own and these time-lapseimages, on your wrist. you can customize yourwatch with these images but you can also choose toshow the information that you
like on your watchface with something in traditional watch termsthat's called complications. with watchos 2, we are reallyexcited to enable app developers to make your own complications. so be able to do thingslike show your flight time from united, see the stateof your home control system, look at the charge levelof your electric car, or see sports scores, forexample, from the mlb app. you can choose theinformation that you most
like to see righton your watch face. it's going to bereally, really cool. and this will work notonly on the modular face but across the others thatsupport complications as well. you will be able to choosefrom a variety of templates, and we'll make thoselook beautiful in each of the different watch faces. so it's going to bea really fast way to look at this information.
now, we went further than this. we thought it's reallygreat to be able to see the current information, but what about futureinformation, like the weather latertoday or your meeting after the current one? and what if you could goforward in time and actually see that information updateon your watch face? well, we are supportingthat in watchos 2
with something wecall time travel. and you will be able torotate your digital crown, and you can go both forwardand backward through time, and the information willupdate right on your screen. let's take a look here. so i've got my meeting inthe middle there and weather and the charge level ofthe car and time in london. when i rotate the crown, youcan see it's changing the time and showing me thingsthat are coming up.
now, we know a really popularone here might be the stocks complication, but wehaven't cracked that one yet. we are working on it. you can keep rotating,keep going forward, get all the way to tonight. you can see i have a datenight tonight, weather is going to be good, time in london willbe 2:00 a.m. you can see all the information you like to see inthe time you want to look at it. really, really funway to interact
with time on your watch. that's time travel. now, we also thought, whatwould be a great experience for the watch when it's onyour nightstand and charging? well, we've come up with anew user interface for this in watchos 2 callednightstand mode. when you put your watch onits side and it's charging, you will get this beautifuldisplay now of the time, and of course, you can setan alarm that will wake you
up in the morning, and itwill go something like this. [alarm tone] so a beautiful littlebedside alarm clock now with apple watch, andthe buttons on the side and the crown act as yoursnooze and your off button. a really fun way to have anightstand view on your watch. those are some of the greatnew timepiece functions that are coming in watchos 2. let's look at communication.
now, already applewatch is great at communicatingwith your friends. you can just press the sidebutton and see your 12 friends that you have selected. now, we realize that some ofyou have more than 12 friends, so now in watchos 2, youcan have different sets of friends you can select,and you can add a friend right from your watch bypressing the plus sign and add a friend right there.
isn't that cool? now, when you arecommunicating with someone, you can make a phone call orsend a message or send a drawing with digital touch, and nowin watchos 2, you will be able to use multiple colorsin your drawings, so you can draw abeautiful flower that has more thanjust one color. even my drawings are startingto look better now with this. also an email.
you can already reademail on your watch. with watchos 2, you willbe able to reply to email. and with the phone, you canalready take phone calls on your watch. we are now going tosupport facetime audio, so you will get reallyhigh-fidelity calls right on your wrist. and with health & fitness, already apple watch is a greatpartner for health & fitness.
with watchos 2, we are enablingyour favorite fitness apps to run natively on the watch so you can use them whereveryou are, and your workouts with these apps willcontribute directly to your all-day activity,which will be really great, so if you go on a bikeride, it will count. we are also enablingsiri to start workouts, so you can just raise yourwrist and say, hey, siri, start a 30-minuterun in the park,
and it will start the workoutapp and get it going for you. you can also say things like"go for a 300-calorie bike ride" or "go for a 5-mile run, "and it will start the workout for you without having totouch the watch at all. when you achieve something, there are some beautiful newachievements you will see that look like this. they spin right in, they'rebeautiful, you can play with them in 3d on thewatch, they are engraved
on the back now with yourname, and you can share these with people over messages,facebook, or twitter. really cool health &fitness. with apple pay, you saw some of the great newsupport we are bringing for store cards andrewards cards. we are supportingthat in the watch, so you can select a store cardand use it right in your watch in a merchant terminaljust by waving it
at the store stand there. and with wallet coming to watch, all of your rewards cardswill be right there, and you can also use thoseright from your watch as you are doing purchases. with transit, we aresupporting, of course, the mass transit capabilitiesin maps now, so you will be able to see the transitlines on your wrist. you can actually seethe departure times
for different stationsyou are near. when you are navigating, youwill get step-by-step directions about getting through thedifferent mass transit you use. with siri, we are continuingto add new domains for siri. in watchos 2, weare enabling siri to get you mass transitdirections, like bus directions to the ferry building,which will look like this and you can juststart navigating. or you can control thingsin your home with siri,
you can say things like "heysiri set the dinner scene," and it will talk to anyhomekit-enabled devices in your house and set thelights just how you want them. it's going to be great. another great thing is youcan actually ask for any of the glances you have,so you can say "hey, siri, show me the instagramglance," and it will show up right on your watch face. this could be a glance youdon't have currently selected.
it's a great wayto show information from third-party appsright there in siri. so those are justsome of the highlights of what's coming in watchos 2. we think it's goingto be a really, really great updateto the watch. now, that's not all. we also, of course, focused onwhat we can do for developers, and already, out of the gateon day one, you can build apps
for apple watch usingsomething called watchkit, and that has enabled manythousands of apps now to be created for apple watch,and these apps today function by relying on your phone. so you might have, forexample, an app on your watch and the user interfaceruns on your phone and the user interface is onyour watch, but all the logic for your app todayruns on your phone. with native apps, you willbe able to move that logic
to the watch so both theui and the logic are there, it will all run locally,performance will be great, responsiveness will be great, it's going to be a great newfrontier for apps on apple watch with native app support. when you are actually wanderingaway from your phone sometimes, your apps will be ableto communicate directly with the network withknown wi-fi networks, so you can get the informationyou want wherever you are
with your watch. so we heard from you as wewere working on native apps, a lot of feature requestsof things you would like to do on the watch. these are a bunch of thethings that we've heard. so we've been listening to that. let's go throughsome of the things that will be possiblenow in watchos 2. you can see how we did on this.
so one of the things weheard was really wanted to access the microphoneon the watch. so yes, in watchos 2, you canaccess the microphone right on the watch and bring thataudio right into your app. we also heard you want toplay audio out of the speaker. you can do that. watchos 2 with nativeapps, you can play back through the watch speakeror you can play audio to a bluetooth headsetor speaker connected,
both short-form andlong-form audio. video. we know youwanted to play video. you can play back short-formvideo right on the watch face. it looks beautifulon the watch display. access to healthkit. we definitely heard that. you now will have access,native healthkit on the watch, including streaming heart ratedata, so if you are doing, for example, a bikeride with strava,
you can see what heart rate zoneyou are in while you are biking. homekit is natively on the watchso you will be able to talk to your homekit devices fromyour watch and control them. we think this is goingto be a great future for control rightfrom your wrist. you will be able toaccess the accelerometer so you can get movement data. so for example, from the ipinggolf app here, you can check out your golf swing tempo
as you are swinging the golfclub with your watch on. taptic engine is one of thethings we've really done a lot of focused work on to make it agreat experience on the wrist. we are bringing access tothe taptic engine for you for your app development. you will be able to choose froma range of different feelings as well as audio thatwill come out the speaker. so for example, if i amunlocking my car here, i will get feedback on mywrist, both audio and felt.
another great interaction on thewatch is using the digital crown to manipulate the ui, and we areenabling access to digital crown as well with watchos 2. you will be able tocontrol custom ui element like changing thetemperature here just by rotating the crown like this. super easy way tointeract with your watch. so we've done a great jobbringing a lot of access to the watch nowwith native apps.
i would like to show you ademo now with some examples. so i've got a watch here,and i am going to put it on. it's connected to the displayhere through this little cable. let's start by looking atthree examples of new features in watchos 2, then iwill show you three apps. let's start withmaking a photo face, so i will press my digital crownhere, go to the home screen. there's my photos. you can see i've got abunch of photos on here.
i can zoom in withthe crown, pan around, and i can pick a photo that might make a nicewatch face like that one. i want to zoom in andcrop it a little more. i am going to zoom in alittle more, move it over like that to get it just right. i think that's going tomake a great watch face, so i just force touch,choose create watch face, and there you go, abeautiful new watch face.
let's look at time travel. i will go over tomy modular face, got some more information here. i have flight timeshere on united. i can see the temperature, my vw car's chargelevel, and time in london. so i just rotate the crownhere, i can go forward in time. time is updating. my flight is leaving,you can see, at 1:45.
i wonder if my charge level willbe enough to get to the airport. so if i keep going forward intime here, we will get to 1:45, and you can see my chargelevel is just going to be great to get to the airport. in fact, you can keep goingand look at boarding time and arrival timefor your flight. so you can get a greatpreview of your day just by rotating the crownright on the watch face. it's a lot of fun.
just press the crownand go back to home. if you get an email, you canreply to email now in watchos 2. here is an email that'sjust come in from marc. i can reply to this by pressingthe button right below the message, or you canuse siri to reply to a message rightfrom a notification. if i just use siri here,i can reply like this. reply: i would love to. so siri is makingthe message there.
it's created a response. i just press send, andit now goes off to marc. so just by pressing thecrown, you can use siri to send a messageright from your wrist. now, let's look at afew third-party apps. let's look at the vw app yousaw on slides a second ago. i will show you how that works. here it is. now, i can lock my car just
by pressing thiscontrol right here. it responds right away. you can see the app alsoopened very quickly. and i can controlthe temperature here that we were looking at beforeby just rotating the crown. you can see how responsiveit is as i go up and down through temperatures here. really, really cool. i will get it nice and warm forme so when i get down there,
it will be nice and toasty. okay. turn it on. i've got confirmationthat it actually enabled that on my car now. access to the mic is goingto be really helpful in apps, and some of the apps that willreally benefit are communication apps like we chat. a lot of messages sent viawechat are audio messages, so let's see how thatwill work with watchos 2.
i have a message from becky. i can reply by pressingthe reply button, and you can see i'vegot a microphone now so i can do an audio response. let's do that. that sounds great. you can see as i was recordingit, it got the audio levels of my voice and nowit sent that to becky. i can also replywith stickers here.
there's differentcategories of them. with the digital crown nowbeing able to connect to the ui, i can flip through recentstickers, pick one quickly that i like, and justsend that one as well. so very fast to interact now with all these new controls youhave available in watchos 2. now, let's look atthe vine glance. vine is a great example ofplaying back video on the watch, and its format is reallyperfect for the watch face.
here is a recent one on vine. so that's video playing backright on the watch face. so those are just someexamples of what you can do now with watchos 2, andi am super excited to see what all you guysdo with all this stuff. so some great newenhancements coming, as well as some super powerfulapp development tools for you. and we've been workingreally hard on this, and i am really happy to saythat this stuff is all available
to you today to startbuilding these native apps. just six weeks from ourlaunch, it's unbelievable. then it will be availablein the fall to everyone, and we will workacross all the watches, of course, and it will be free. so this has beena great adventure. we are just gettingstarted here, and i am really looking forwardto the journey ahead with all of you on apple watch.
back to tim. thank you, tim. >> tim cook: thanks,kevin. we're really excited to haveapple watch out in the world, and we can't wait to seewhat you do with watchos. and we couldn't be moreexcited about how developers and users will use the powerfulecosystems of both products and platforms, threeamazing platforms. the opportunitiesreally are limitless.
now, before we close thismorning, we do have ... one more thing. i'd like to tellyou about something that we've been workingreally hard on and something we aresuper excited about. you know, we love music, andmusic is such an important part of our lives and our culture. we've had a long relationshipwith music at apple, and music has had a veryrich history of change,
some of which we'veplayed a part in. we've made a great videoabout the history of music, and i would like to playit for you this morning. >> tim cook: today we'reannouncing apple music, the next chapter in music, andi know you are going to love it. it will change the way thatyou experience music forever. to tell you more about it,i'd like to bring up someone who knows more about music and the music experiencethan anyone i know.
he's worked with amazingartists from bruce springsteen to john lennon andcountless others. we are thrilled to have hima part of the apple team. please join me inwelcoming jimmy iovine. jimmy. >> jimmy iovine:thanks, tim. well, it's reallyan honor to be here. i'm here because in 2003, the record industry wasa ball of confusion.
we had napster, we hadlimewire, we had bittorrent. this giant invader fromthe north, technology. i'm looking at my guys saying,well, what do we do with this? so i go up to apple, and isee steve jobs and eddy cue, and they showed me somethingbrilliant and groundbreaking, a simple, elegant way tobuy music online, itunes. i'm like, wow, the ads are real. these guys reallydo think different. [laughter] so they could helpmove culture the same way
that art moves culture. technology and art can worktogether, at least at apple. so now 2015, music industryis a fragmented mess. if you want to streammusic, you can go over here. if you want to streamsome video, you can check someof these places out. if you want to followsome artist, there's more confusion for that. so i reached out to tim cookand eddy cue, and i said guys,
can we build a bigger and betterecosystem with the elegance and simplicity thatonly apple can do? one complete thoughtaround music. and from that, i'mstanding here today so proud of everyone that's workedso hard, and i am going to introduce you to apple music. >> music has suchpower in our lives. the way we listen to and experience music isundergoing a profound change
these days. to have access to nearlyall the music in the world at our fingertips and inour pockets is remarkable. and yet there needsto be a place where music can be treatedless like digital bits and more like the art it is, with a sense of respectand discovery. and if that place couldactually accommodate and support the artistswho make the music,
not just the top-tier artists, but the kids in theirbedrooms too, provide them all with a home and a way toengage with their audiences, that would be pretty great. and that's what we set outto do with apple music. >> on apple music, all theways you love music can now live together. stream from the millionsof songs on itunes any time and on demand, along withhand-picked playlists,
recommendations,and all that's great and breaking in music right now. and broadcasting every day isapple's first 24/7 worldwide radio station, livein over 100 countries, beats 1 is anchoredby zane lowe in la. ero dodden in new york. >> new york cityworldwide, this is beats 1. >> and me, julie out oflondon. >> we cannot wait to play youguys music we've got lined up.
>> and at the heart of applemusic, there's connect, where artists can sharewith fans like never before. songs, remixes, demos,mix tapes, photos, videos, lyrics, soundbites. really, any way an artistchooses to express themselves. >> trent reznor:for fans, we tried to create acomplete experience, by combining the catalogof the world's music with the music that'snot in that catalog yet,
direct from the artist to you in a shared experiencewith beats 1. for the artists, we've builtan ecosystem we hope can start to provide the tools to grow,nurture, and sustain careers. one place, one completethought around music. >> jimmy iovine:thank you. that's apple music andthe great trent reznor. it's all the ways you lovemusic all in one place. and that place isalmost in a billion hands
around the world already. one app, one singleapp on your iphone. apple music is three things. it's a revolutionarymusic service. oh. a revolutionarymusic service curated by the leading music expertswho we helped hand-pick. these people aregoing to help you with the most difficultquestion in music. when you are listening to aplaylist, what song comes next?
the only song that'sas important as the one you arelistening to at that moment is theone that follows it. now, picture this. you are in a special moment. you're exercising or someother special moment. [laughter] right, dre? he exercises a lot. and your heart's pumping.
and you are aboutto turn up the reps. and the next songcomes on, ehhh! buzz kill. you may ask why that happened. it happened because itwas probably programmed by an algorithm alone. algorithms alone can'tdo that emotional task. you need a human touch, andthat's why at apple music, we want to give you the rightsong, the right playlist,
at the right moment,all on demand. now, the first-ever live24-hour worldwide radio station, so trent reznor callsme up and says i got it. this is what we're going to do. let's build the first-everworldwide live radio station broadcast from three citiesthat plays music not based on research, not based ongenre, not based on drum beats, only music that isgreat and feels great. a station that has onlyone master, music itself.
so i said why do artistsalways have the greatest ideas that are practicallyimpossible to execute? so i said, well, wait a second. that's why we are at apple. we are at apple to helpartists' dreams be realized. so we built the station, andit's a music lover's dream. if you love great music withoutany restrictions, you are going to love apple music's beats 1. finally, connect, a fantasticway for established and new
and even unsigned artiststo connect directly with music lovers anywhere. this is going to be verypowerful for musicians. can you imagine beingan up-and-coming artist and being able toshare your music on the biggest musicplatform on the world that people alreadyhave, apple music? remember, this is an ecosystem. it's built to fit together.
it feeds off each other. when you upload your music to apple music, anythingcan happen. so now let me leavethe real heavy lifting to my great friend, eddy cue, and tell you how thisall works together. >> eddy cue: thank you,jimmy. it's great to be herethis morning with you. so apple music, it's arevolutionary music service,
and it starts with my music. we've added some great newfeatures from itunes like the up next queue, and alsoyour recently added albums and songs right across the top. and all of the musicyou've purchased, along with the playlistsyou've created on your mac or your iphone, are right here. now, of course, you cansearch your music library, but now you can search andstream the millions and millions
of songs that we have on itunes. now, in addition to my music,when you can stream and listen to any song you want, youneed a great place to start, and that's why we'vecreated for you. for you recommendsplaylists and albums that we think youare going to love. they are personalizedto your taste based on the music you listento, the artists you love. and it isn't just algorithms.
it's recommendations made byreal people who love music, and they are ourteam of experts. now, let's take a look at new. here you will discover newartists and albums every week, along with the top charts, andevery one of our playlists, all human-curated, availableby genre or by activity. so when you thinkof apple music, it's my music, for you and new. it makes it fun and easy
to experience the catalogof the world's music. and that is the revolutionarymusic service. now let's talk about radio. the truth is internetradio isn't really radio. it's just a playlist of songs. and so we wanted to dosomething really big. we wanted to create a worldwidelive radio station broadcasting around the globe, and we'vedone that with beats 1. it's the world's best radiostation now meets the world's
best voice, and that'swhy we've hired zane lowe. zane is a masterful interviewerand an influential music figure in his own right, and to tellyou more about it, here is zane. >> zane lowe: i am amusic fan. i play records. what i love is watchinga group of people react to a great recordfor the first time. when i play that record on theradio, the audience tell me, the time lines light up,
my friends tell me,my phone lights up. they love it or they hate it. but it creates a debate. that's what good musicon the radio does. when apple first asked me to beinvolved in this, they told us to put the great music in frontof the average, the unexpected, the undiscovered, theanticipated, the underrated. their words: move the needle. and that's what we are doing.
we have real music fansrunning this place. we have great music djs andincredible artists who are in the studio right nowbuilding real radio shows that are going toblow your mind. and the only place that canpull off an imaginative idea as big as this -- apple. we are called beats 1. we are always on, playingthe music that we love. >> eddy cue: sobeats 1.
it is worldwide, it is live,it is broadcasting 24 by 7, and it is comingfrom new york, la, and london, and that is radio. next, we wanted to find away to bring fans closer to the artists they love,and we call it connect. it's a place where artists arefree to upload their music, their videos, their photos,all directly to a fan. let's take pharrell, a favoritemusician and songwriter of mine. he is prolific, andhe does a lot.
let me show you howit works with connect. he takes a lot of photos. he writes a lot of lyrics. he's experimenting andmixing songs all the time. or he just has somethingnew and interesting to say. all of this livesright in connect. artists can post andpublish and upload anything, including directly to facebook,twitter, and their own website, and fans can like andcomment on those posts.
and it's not just for oneartist, but it's for all of the artists that you love. and to give you alittle sense of what it's like to be an artist on connect, i'd like to inviteup a friend, drake. >> drake:thank you. i want to say, honestly, what anhonor it is to be in this room with so many individualsthat have changed the way in which the worldrelates to technology,
so give yourselves around of applause, please. for example, i bought thisvintage apple employee's jacket using a tool known in therap world as the internet. it's going to be huge this year. it's out of this world. he is excited, he knows aboutit, that guy right there. [laughter] honestly, in allseriousness, i came here today to share my story, about theway technology changed what i do for a living.
i am from toronto, canada. you know, as a kid growing up,i always wondered if my city or even my country wouldhave somebody break into the global musicscene as a true superstar. you know, the dream seemedunattainable at the time. even myself, i tried todo it the traditional way, the towering new york labelbuildings, the lobby littered with other people'saccomplishments. it's improbable to think thatevery talented artist is going
to get a shot to havetheir vision validated. and then that's whenthe game changed. and we had to change it. myself and my teambrought our vision and our music directlyto the people. and that was kind of the firsttime that we really got noticed. the dream of being a new artistlike myself five years ago and connecting directly withan audience has never been more close and reachablethan right now.
see, now we encourage you tospend the time on your body of work, spend the time on yourcraft, assemble the right body of work, and instead ofhaving to post your stuff on all these different andsometimes confusing places, it all lives in one very simple, very easy place,and that is connect. it's right from whereyou are in your city in front of your computer. and this approach ishow we broke in 2008,
and it has been perfectedand simplified, of course, by the great people at apple. so you know, as i'm workingtirelessly on this next album, this comes at theperfect time for me. given the great success of mylast mix tape that went directly to itunes, this really -- i can't wait to incorporateapple music and especially connectinto what i am doing next. i am really excited aboutwhat i am working on.
and as an artist, i can say forall those kids sitting at home, it's truly amazing to be partof something that i believe in, and this is somethingthat simplifies everything for the modern musicianlike myself and the modern musicconsumer like you. so i hope you enjoy apple music. i hope you enjoy connect. my name is drake, andthank you for your time. appreciate it.
>> eddy cue: thank you,drake. and that is connect. now, i'd love to give youa demo of apple music, but before i start, i do want to wish phil schillera happy birthday. so let's go ahead andlaunch our new music app. you will notice right awayit's got a brand-new ui, much simpler to use. your recently added albums andsongs right across the top.
let's play this newsong from spoon i added. one of the thingsyou will notice, we have a new miniplayer across the bottom that always showsyou what's playing. if i tap on it, iget full screen, and i can see thebeautiful artwork, all the playback controls. i can just swipe down,and it disappears. now, i like lookingat my music by artist.
it's really easy to do that too. i will just tap onalbums, switch to artists, and let's take a lookat aretha franklin. the first thing you will noticeis we add beautiful artwork to all the artist pages. notice as i swipeup, it goes away, and you see aretha at the top. no demo goes completewithout playing this song. now, you not only get all ofyour aretha franklin songs
in your music library, butyou can also tap on all, and now you can see all ofthe songs on apple music, including the latestrelease, what the top song is, what the top album is. now, it is hard to stop thissong, but i want to keep going. now let's go back to my library, and let's take alook at my playlists. now, despite the game lastnight, i am getting ready for tomorrow night, and ihave already started creating
my playlist. one of the first things you willnotice is you can add your own artwork to your playlist. i am going to bedoing this tonight, getting the warriorsready, but let's go back. it is karaoke night, andthese are some of the songs that our team has tolook forward to tonight. let's go ahead and play that. just imagine.
now, if i tap onthe mini player, i can see the full screen. if i tap on the right-hand sidenext to the playback controls, i can see the completeplaylist, and it's very easy for me to reorganize it. let's say i want tomove jealous back up, and now that will be thenext song that plays. it's that simple. now, that's great.
the first time we go to for you,we want to find out a little bit about your musicaltastes, so we are going to ask you what genres you like. i am a big fan of rock, pop,hip-hop, and alternative. and now it will ask me forsome artists that i like. well, i love bruce springsteen,so i am going to tap twice. i like lorde, likealabama shakes. now we are going to take all of this information you'veprovided, along with all
of your playlists and the songsthat you've purchased on itunes, and we are going to makerecommendations just for you. so here is one inspiredby bruce springsteen. here's one calledbring the big rock. let's play that. that's a great foofighters song. i can just tap and seethe rest of the songs. definitely going tolike this playlist. now, here's anotherone from pharrell.
i also get new albumsthat are available to me, and even some classic albumsthat i should be listening to. and so here are somebrand-new albums from the artiststhat i really love. now, here is an interestingone, a cuban playlist. you might be wonderinghow did that get in there? well, i like a lot of latinmusic, so apple music knows that and is recommendingthis playlist to me. let's take a look at it.
definitely gets mycuban blood going. now, this is a playlist idefinitely want to keep, so i am going to tap on theplus sign, and i've added that now to my playlist. now, let's take alook at what's new. you can see new albumsacross the top. more here, and even thehot singles that are out. let's play this one fromflorence and the machine. i can keep scrolling andsee some recent releases.
but of course, everyone lovesthe charts, so let's go ahead and take a look at thecharts, see the top songs. the top albums. and even the top music videos. we have tens of thousands ofmusic videos in hd, all ad-free. let's take a look at thisone from mark ronson. i've got to work on some ofthose moves for next year. [laughter] now, sometimesyou just want to sit back and let someone else be yourdj, so let's go to radio.
and to give you a little taste of what beats 1 isgoing to sound like ... >>beats 1. welcome our special guest, florence from florenceand the machine. >> on paper, it sounds likesuper, not how you think a rock and roll album would be made. >> was that you inyour sweatpants? >> that was me in an anorakcycling to the studio.
>> we are looking for themost exciting music and people that love it in allcorners of the globe, broadcasting to 100 countries. that shared experiencejust got so much bigger. >> la. >> new yorkcity. >>london. >> eddy cue: that'sreally awesome. let's take a look at connect
and see what my favoriteartists are up to. here's pharrell and somebehind-the-scenes footage. here is chris cornell. this is an interesting one. he has posted lyrics of a newsong that's coming out before, obviously, he's evenrecorded it. here's bastille. they are working ontheir next album. let's see what they have to say.
>> mark is just throughhere, and we are working on a song called blame, whichsome of you might have heard at festivals or gigs before, but we're really excited tohave finally recorded it. it's a song about gangsters. and yeah, this is the riff, which we alreadyhave sounding great. >> eddy cue: it's great to beable to get behind the scenes and see what the process thatan artist uses to create a song.
as we keep goingdown, here's a shot from alabama shakesa couple nights ago. and here is a studio session,actually, at capital studio a. those of you who know,capitol studio is one of the premier studios,historical, and alabama shakes was justthere a couple nights ago. >> eddy cue: again,be able to see things you've neverbeen able to hear or see. loren kramar, you probablyhave never heard of him.
he is an unsigned artist, ijust started following him. he has posted a new songright up on connect, and i would love to play it now. first time anyone's heard it. just imagine youare a new artist, and look at all thepeople who have been able to hear this song rightnow thanks to connect. so loren kramar. remember that name.
we think he is going tobe really, really huge. now, of course, you can alwayssearch for music across all of our millions andmillions of songs. i like to do a littlebit of stuff with siri because siri has been learninga lot more about music. play born to run. it's one of my favoritesongs of all time. let's get a littlemore specific. play the top tensongs in alternative.
if i tap on the up nextqueue, i can see all of the top ten songsand what's next. now, i feel like reminiscinga little, and let's go back to my high schooldays when i graduated. play the top song from may 1982. now, that brings back somememories, but we will leave that for another time. have you ever gone to a movieand you love the soundtrack or the song that was on there,but you don't know the name
or you have forgottenabout it later? well, it's reallyeasy with siri. play the song from selma. let's do that again. and that is siri, andthat is apple music. it is a revolutionarymusic service with recommendationsjust for you, a worldwide live radio stationwith the world's best djs, an exciting way for fansto connect with artists,
and of course, this is joinedby the itunes music store, the best place to buy music. apple music is all ofthe ways you love music, all in one place. we are launching in over ahundred countries later this month with ios 8.4 for youriphone, ipod touch, and ipad, as well as a new versionof itunes for the mac, a new version ofitunes for windows, and android is coming this fall.
apple music will be just $9.99a month, the cost of an album. we want everyone to try it, so we are making thefirst three months free. now, we want to do somethingreally great for families. today you have to buya music subscription for each and every person. or you share an account eventhough you are not supposed to. and now all of you can'tplay at the same time, and your playlists
and recommendationsget all messed up. well, with apple music, forjust $14.99, you can have up to six family members. everyone gets their ownaccount, their own library, their own recommendations. it's an incredible value. and that is apple music. turn it back to tim. >> tim cook:thanks, eddy.
isn't that amazing? we really love apple music,and we hope that you do too. and we are so excited about it, and with all the countrieswe are rolling out to, we made a great ad totell the world about it. and i'd love to runit for you now. >> this is zane lowe ofbeats 1. we've got the whole worldlocked in for this one. brand-new pharrell.
now, music connects with us allat such a deep, emotional level. we couldn't be happierto launch apple music, and we can't wait tillyou start listening to it at the end of the month. this has been a jam-packedmorning. i hope you've enjoyedit as much as we have. we want to thankeverybody for joining us, especially the developers,and i'd like to recognize all of the people in apple, allof our team that have worked
so hard on makingand creating all of these productsyou've seen this morning. thank you, guys. it is an incredible privilegeof a lifetime to work with them. now, i've got one last thing. before we go, it's onlyfitting to celebrate the launch of apple music with anincredible music performance by one of the hottest newartists in music today, and it's not only a hotnew artist, but he's going
to do a worldwide premiere ofhis newest song this morning. please give it upfor the weeknd. [ background sounds ] >> tim cook: ladies andgentlemen, the weeknd! everybody have a great week! it's great to be together!
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